Africaans Stefani Sabjörg

C.I.B. EW21 BIS ZagrebWinner´24 IstraWinner´24 MultiGrandCH MultiCH MultiClubCH         Africaans Stefani Sabjörg

DAME:       C.I.B. Björg Ginger Arte Cassari     

SIRE:     C.I.B. Aggy Foggy of Pressburgers´Paws

Birth: 11. 12. 2019
Height: 63cm
Scissor bite, full set of teeht
COLOR: red wheat 

Miss Red born on 11.12.2019 in the kennel SABJÖRG.Even as a tiny puppy she tried to nurse, babysit and raise all siblings, born general. She was the only one of the litter to require sleeping in bed under the covers. She won my heart at first sight on her first visit.

Stefi is a beautiful bitch and here I quote the chairman of the CKRR, Ing. Hana Pánková, opinion at the WDS:

20-month-old bitch, excellent format and type with elegant head

properly deployed ear, correct eye

strong neck, excellent top line with correct back and slightly lower tail

well-modelled chest and perfect forechest

excellent angulation of front and rear limbs

proper ridge, paw and colour

nice, elegant movement

excellent showing, balanced friendly nature


- the written and oral opinions from the exhibitions are almost identical from different judges from different countries to this point......beautiful bitch, excellent lines, noble head, scissors try, excellent angulation, correct ridge, typical representative of the breed...... in all exhibitions awarded the mark


(she hasn't received a worse grade or rating until now)

....Stefi is a temperamental bitch, emotionally attached to her pack, serene in nature, loves to run on shorter tracks, very malleable and savvy, a certain hint of stubbornness and a sense of dominance makes her typical of the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed

........ OBTAINED TITLES...........

30.12.2021 won her first title in Hungary at the European Exhibition in Budapest

Champion Hungary and European winner EW2021

6.2.2022 becomes Champion of the Czech Republic and 21.5.2022 Grand Champion of the Czech Republic

16.3.222 Champion of Poland and 3.9.2022 Grand Champion of Poland

16.5.222 Champion of Slovakia and 19.9.2022 Grand Champion of Slovakia

More titles added during Balkan tour

19.8.- 1.9.2022Champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Champion of Macedonia, Champion and Grandchampion of Montenegra, Champion and Grandchampion of Kosovo, Champion of Balkan

For 2021, he wins club champion KCHRR and Best female 3rd place

20.9.2022 comes a wonderful award for me - confirmation from Belgium from FCI for the title


International Beauty Champion C.I.B.

At the TRIOCACIB Exhibition in Prague on 9.12.2023, Stefi receives another title thanks to his first place in the Championclass: CHAMPION ČMKU

Genetics by parents:

Result RTG:



OCD free


LTV neg

SA neg

Ridge: R/R

Juvenilní myoklonická epilepsie (JME) : clear

Maligní Hypertermie (MH): clear

Degenerativní myelopatie (DM) : clear
Lokus D (Dilution, alela d1): D/D
B-lokus (Brown): B/bs
Hemofilie B (HemB): clear
Early hearing loss(EOAD): clear 

Further investigation before cover 

- bacteriological examination (swab) for chlamydia and Micoplasmata

- blood collection

- echocardiography

- sono tummy


"in perfect condition and in perfect health"

Balkan Tour 19.8.-01.09.2022
Balkan Tour 19.8.-01.09.2022